Igor's Techno Club

My everyday Git commands

Constantly updating...

Clone single branch

git clone <url> --branch <branch-to-clone> --single-branch [folder-to-store]
git log --pretty=format:"%ad:%an:%d:%B" --date=short --reverse --all --since=2.months.ago --author=_YOUR_NAME_

Force sync with remote tracking branch

Will remove all local changes which are not part of remote branch

git reset --hard @{u}

Log all changes for a file portion

git log -L 2,40:path/to/file

#or given a function name or Java's class
git log -L :MyService: path/to/MyService.java

Safer force push

git push --force-with-lease

Automate git maintenance tasks

git maintenance start

Big repo improments

Improving status command performance

#git 2.39
git config core.fsmonitor true

Want to share your commands? You can find my on X

#git #productivity